Microsoft account remove windows 10 password.

Hi all!

The other day I was wondering how to remove Windows 10 login password. Initially, I didn’t have it, but at the same time, the loading of the dozens itself was not complete, but up to the welcome screen... Where you had to press the “log in” button from your account, and this was the first problem that bothered me a little. It’s as if, after clicking on the “login” button, the computer thought some more... Although, it’s not clear what to think!

It would start right away, and that’s all...)) We’ll do everything. Read to the end.

In general, okay. I initially came to terms with this problem! Click on Login and Windows will start without a password.

But, one day the other day... Once again, while working on the blog, I noticed some strange feature, or a glitch with the mouse.

The mouse cursor kept hovering on the screen, and at the same time the buttons reacted. And after a while, the cursor worked again as if nothing had happened. To understand the situation, this is a radio mouse, without a wire. Which, at the same time, turned itself off if you did not approach it for a long time. And then, when clicked, it starts again - it works... and the mouse indicator blinks, as it should. The problem with the mouse was repeated more and more often, until I bought 3 types of different batteries - it didn’t help. I bought another mouse - it didn’t help! But the problem turned out to be not in the mouse at all...

And in search of a solution, I accidentally came across a video from YouTube, where one gamer talked about a similar glitch in the top ten. And to fix it, you had to create an account in xbox microsoft (if you don’t already have one), and there in the settings disable one function related to mouse settings... (this problem is more relevant for gamers whose mouse slows down during the game or freezes)

Hmm... Just think about it! What does this have to do with the Windows 10 password and account?

The fact of the matter is that earlier, before logging into xbox, I did not have a password when starting windows itself. And when I created the account, it contacted my local computer, and now required a password upon boot:

It turns out that you can have 2 types of user. One local user, no password. And the other is from a microsoft account. You could have activated it in another way. For example, it worked for me via xbox.

Naturally, this whole thing was not satisfactory. It was enough that Windows loaded until the welcome screen appeared:

After that, you need to press the mouse button or spacebar. For the Windows 10 login screen to appear. And only after that, you had to enter your password and press login.

This, of course, is an unrealistically unnecessary action.

Some kind of headache when loading the computer. From whom, what to hide? Why encrypt like that? And the same thing was repeated when exiting sleep mode.

So! It was decided to deal with this situation and launch Windows directly to the desktop, bypassing the welcome screen and entering a password.

How to remove the password when logging into Windows 10 from sleep mode and when starting a computer or laptop?

After reading a little online about this, I found several solutions. And today I will share with you...

First of all, it was necessary to leave one account - one user under which we log into Windows 10. That is, local. And you can simply delete your Microsoft account so that it doesn’t interfere. Or switch from Microsoft to local. And why did I even need it?

or, here's another option...

Shown how to disable (remove) the password request when logging into Windows 10 on a laptop?

The video shows it specifically on a laptop, and about exiting sleep mode without a password.


1. Type netplwiz in the search and run the command

2. User accounts will open

Here I left only one user (local, only myself). And I deleted all the others! At the same time, the group for the main user is - administrator. The point is to be one person in the windows 10 system, as an administrator.

Click Apply and a window will pop up asking you to enter your old password. We just enter it and then check again to make sure the box is not checked. Click “apply” and “ok” again.

There is an opinion that at this point there is a small glitch in the top ten itself. And the checkmark may appear again after saving. So check it again!

By the way, about the glitch with a tick. He is really present. And if you log into user accounts again, the check mark will appear again. But it won’t take effect until we click OK. :

This helped me, but in addition I deleted my Microsoft account (see video below) and disabled the password request when resuming from sleep mode (read below).

At the stage when I left one user with Windows, which should already start without a password... When logging out of the system, or when exiting sleep mode, the password was shown.

This can be easily checked by logging out of the system using the key combination win+L:

How to log out of the system, as if from sleep mode. Check if there is a password?

Press the key combination WIN+L:

And we log out of the system. We will immediately notice whether a password will be required or not.

If not, then congratulations! Everything is resolved, and when you exit the sleeper, the password is no longer required.

Windows 10. What to do and how to remove the password if it requires a password when exiting sleep mode?

In the video above, these points were discussed. Let's take a closer look, step by step.

1. In the search, enter “password”, then open “Login Options”

2. In the login options, select "NEVER".

This is the entry parameter, namely the exit from sleep mode. Windows explains it to us like this:

If you are away, how long should Windows require you to sign in again?

That's all!

Although you probably won't have such a function after you disable the user's password. As shown above. After all, if there is no password, then what to ask for)) . In any case, write below if you have any difficulties. We will try to help you!

To check, you can restart your computer. Or log out of the system using the key combination WIN+L, and it will no longer require a password. Just press the button and log in. And when the system boots when you turn on the computer, the password and welcome screen will not be requested at all, but the desktop will immediately load. Fast and convenient!

And lastly, this is a video about Microsoft Local Recording. Since there is not much information on this topic, I found a solution...

Microsoft account - how to disable it in Windows 10?

The topic was divided into 2 stages:

  1. First, the account is deleted from the computer itself.
  2. Deleted from the site itself (Microsoft server)

The first stage is shown in the first part of the video.

But the second stage, in more detail...


1. Go to the website

3. Then, on the SECURITY tab, you need to find the ADDITIONAL SECURITY SETTINGS item

4. And in the next steps, request a special code to verify the account that it belongs to you. Click - SEND CODE. The code arrives quickly, and we enter it in a special field, as shown below...

5. The fifth step, at the very bottom, after going to the next page (you may need to click the CONTINUE button), and then the item - “Closing your account”, which is at the very bottom of the screen. And select the link - “Close account”.

6. You will be warned again and told that the account will be permanently closed after 60 days. expectations. But that's not the point! Read the information in detail and click NEXT. As shown below...

That's all the stages. In fact, I wouldn’t have needed the last step if I hadn’t created a Microsoft account through xbox. So I had to deactivate it.

The most interesting thing is that the problem with the mouse was not entirely related to the xbox settings. Because this is more of a setting for gamers.

Well, oh well))... One event with a mouse forced me to look into another problem and write about it on the blog pages.

I found new ways for myself that speed up the operation of Windows 10, as well as how to quickly find suitable drivers for all computer devices so that they are free of system errors and conflicts. After all, problems associated with the top ten are periodically noticed. Especially when the processes in the system are heavily loaded.

I want to tell you everything. Write below how relevant is this for you to know?…

As for Windows being loaded with various processes and programs that can slow down its operation, this is not necessarily a problem with RAM. It is likely that the glitches are software related to . The same hard drive may produce errors that you are not aware of. Everything needs to be checked and corrected periodically.

In the next issues, there is something to talk about.

By the way, speaking about programs such as Photoshop or dreamweaver - they are also not bad at loading your system. Especially when you surf the Internet at the same time, and have 30 tabs open, and 3 more browsers are additionally launched to check client sites.

So it turns out that the system can be very heavily loaded with tasks, and Windows will cope, but somewhere the first problems will begin. And it’s especially bad when the computer freezes completely and you turn it off emergencyly. And then, after another failure, it may turn out that Windows will not start. Or something will break in the system again and you will need to re-enter your password.

In general, write below what is wrong with Windows 10. We will figure it out together.

If you found today's episode useful, please click like.

Removing the password when logging into Windows 7 is quite simple. This will require a minimum amount of time and knowledge. This kind of operation usually takes no more than a couple of minutes.

This can be done in various ways: through a special console, command line, or by resetting key data from SAM. Each method has both its advantages and disadvantages.

Why set a password?

It often happens that some important and confidential data is stored on the PC, access to which should be limited. Microsoft Windows makes it possible to easily limit the circle of people who have access to files on your computer by installing a special key. Each person can have his own if there are several users.

An access code is also required to protect information on the PC to different owners from each other. For example, this is often necessary for parents so that curious children are not able to get acquainted with some information that they are not entitled to.

Removing the password through the “Run” console

One of the easiest ways to disable entering an access key on the OS is by using the “Run” item. Accessing it is quite simple - just click on the “Start” button. Most often, the item in question is present on the right side of the window that opens.

Entering a command

To disable the function in question, you must enter a specific command. It will open a special applet that allows you to do this.

The process of entering the command is as follows:

  • open the Start button menu;
  • click on the “Run” item;
  • In the field that opens, write “control userpassword2”.

After completing these operations, a window called “User Accounts” will open.

It contains two tabs:

  • "Users";
  • "Additionally".

You need to focus your attention on the first tab. Since this is where all account settings are made, including changing the login, access key and other attributes. In addition, if desired, you can easily add new accounts or delete old ones.

Disabling the password

To disable Password, just open the corresponding window (“accounts” -> “users”). In it, you need to uncheck the box called “Require username and...”. In this simple way you can disable the need to enter Password.

Confirming the user

You can also completely disable the Microsoft Windows login window.

To do this, you need to do the following:

  • in the window called “Accounts”, double-click on the desired line (admin, user or something else);
  • click “OK”.

A window will open containing three fields. Only the top one should be filled in; login is written there. The rest remain empty. After that, click on “OK” again. After performing these operations, when starting Microsoft Windows, there will be no need for Password. Which is quite convenient if only one person has physical access to the PC.

video: Password reset

Removing the password when starting Windows without programs

Also, Password in the operating system in question can be unstuck without using the “Run” item, as well as various third-party applications. To do this, just use a special command line. In this way, you can avoid having to enter Password when you turn on the computer, as well as when it comes out of sleep mode.

Command line setup

In order to configure the command line, you need to use the Windows distribution disk. This method of setting up and resetting the access code is suitable if it is forgotten and it is not possible to start the OS otherwise.

First of all, you need to install it through the BIOS to boot from a CD or other device containing the distribution. After this, you should reboot and start the installation.

After this, the following actions are performed:

  1. CmdLine – enter cmd.exe;
  2. SetupType – replace parameter 0 with 2;
  • select section 999 and click “Unload hive”;
  • extract the distribution kit and reboot the PC.

Resetting your password and login

After loading the operating system, the user will immediately see the command line window. To reset the password, you must enter the following command: net user username

If for some reason User has forgotten the account name, then you can simply write net user without parameters. This will allow you to display all available items and select the one you need.

If the new Password is not intended to be used, then it is sufficient to leave the field blank.

If you need to enter a new one, the command will look like this: disk name:Windowssystem32net user user_name new-key.

It is also often necessary to create a new account without an access key.

To do this, you need to run the following commands in strict order:

These commands perform the following operations in strict order:

  1. creating a new User;
  2. adding it to the Administrator workgroup;
  3. removal from the Users group.

The reset method in question is quite complicated, but quite feasible even for not very experienced PC owners.

Method for resetting key data from SAM file

There are a huge number of different ways to reset your login code. But all of them only change in various ways the information stored in a special file called SAM. It is used by the OS to store data related to both User and Password. This abbreviation name stands for Security Account Manager.

The file in question does not have an extension, since it simply does not require one. It is a direct part of the registry, located in the directory systemrootsystem32config. Also, a copy of the file in question is available on the emergency recovery disk, if for some reason this function was not disabled earlier.

Editing this file to change the operating system login parameters is the most difficult way. To work with SAM, you need specialized software from third-party developers. All operations with SAM must be performed with the utmost care and precision.

How it works

The most popular application for changing data in the SAM file is active password changer. Before you start, you need to copy the application to some media or other FAT32 hard drive.

After performing this operation you must:

  1. run the password file from the folder "BootableDiskCreator";
  2. in the window that opens, select "Add USB...";
  3. activate the button "Start".

After completing all the above steps, a bootable USB flash drive will be created.

The process of changing data using the application in question is as follows:

This method of working with accounts and their attributes is as secure as possible. Since it allows you to avoid editing the registry and other manual operations. This can sometimes be difficult for not very experienced users who started working with their PC relatively recently. The likelihood of harming the operating system in this case is practically zero.

Another important advantage of this program is the ability to set a schedule for PC use by individual accounts.

The disadvantages include the fact that some older motherboard models do not support launching from a USB drive. In such a situation, you have to look for some alternative options: a floppy disk, a CD, or something else.

Quite often, especially with beginners, situations arise when the combination of characters required to enter the OS is forgotten or lost for other reasons. There are many ways out of such a difficult situation; reinstalling the system is not always required. Moreover, any computer owner who has minimal skills in interacting with this type of equipment can cope with resetting the OS access code.


When you turn on the computer, it usually asks you to enter an access code. Protecting your account with a password is designed to prevent access to your confidential information for other users. However, if you are single user personal computer, constantly asking for a password when logging in will be more of a hindrance than a help.

This is an extra action, extra information that needs to be remembered, an increase in boot time when turning on the PC, and so on. Besides, if you forget it, you will get a lot of problems.

Therefore, it is easier for most users remove password entry for your account in Windows 10. This article is devoted to this issue.

Disabling a local account password

If you use a local account to log into Windows 10, cancel password entry simple enough. You can simply delete it.

To do this, do the following:

  1. Call up the menu " Start", using the Win key, or using the corresponding icon on the quick access panel.
  2. Open " Options" You can also call this interface using the key combination Win + I.
  3. Go to the section called "".
  4. Using the navigation menu on the left side of the window, go to the “ Login Options».
  5. In the column " Password» Click the Change button.
  6. Please enter the current access code for your account.
  7. Leave all fields blank and click Next to remove the check.
  8. If the OS asks you to reboot, do it.

Active the password will be removed immediately and will not be required to log into the Windows 10 operating system the next time you turn on your personal computer.

Alternative way to disable the request

If you don't like the settings menu that was introduced in Windows 10, you can remove the passcode using the usual control panels. The tool " Change».

Do the following:

  1. Click on the button " Search» in the Quick Access Toolbar.
  2. Enter« control Panel" fully or partially.
  3. Run found utility.
  4. Go to the "" category.
  5. Click on the hyperlink " Deleting user accounts».
  6. Select your account from the list provided.
  7. Click on the hyperlink " Change password».
  8. Enter a valid password, the remaining fields should be leave blank.
  9. Click " Change password» to save the settings.

As in the previous method, the password will be removed and you will not need to enter it the next time you log into Windows 10.

Disable the prompt for a Microsoft account

The methods described above allow you to get rid of the password check at login, but only when you work with local account. However, Windows 10 allows you to log in to the system using single Microsoft account. And it is no longer possible to remove the password from it. However, you can configure automatic entry of login information when starting this personal computer. This can be done in two different ways.

Account Settings

The first way to remove the check is simpler. However, unfortunately does not work on all computers. It is highly recommended that you try it first. And in case of failure, move on to the next point. To set up automatic entry without prompting, follow the instructions below:

In most cases, this is enough to log into the OS without asking for a password. However, if you were unable to remove the check, you will need to do manually editing the registry.

Registry changes

The registry stores data that Windows 10 uses to operate. By changing existing entries and creating new ones, users can seriously change the way the operating system works. Therefore, all changes must be made extremely carefully, since any error can lead to incorrect operation of the computer.

Before starting work in the registry editor, it is strongly recommended to create a system restore point. If something goes wrong, you can easily roll back to the saved version of Windows 10 without having to reinstall.

Registry Editor

To enter the editor, users will need to do the following:

  1. Call up the dialog " Execute" using Win + R.
  2. Type regedit and click OK.
  3. If the program requires administrator permission, click OK.
  4. On the left side of the editor there is a directory tree. Use it to find the directory HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

OS login password - reliable protection of data on your hard drive from being viewed by strangers. But if computer equipment is at the disposal of only its owner, then restricting access is unnecessary. In order to remove the password when logging into Windows 10, you will need to erase the code word previously written there in the settings of the created entry. But often they remember about removing restrictions when they cannot log into the OS and the user table parameters are unavailable. In this case, they use tricks.

Cancel password entry for a user account

Cancellation is carried out using a special panel. It is called by the WIN+R keys. In the “Open” field, copy the phrase “control userpasswords2” or “netplwiz” (without changing, paste). Confirm the operation by clicking “Ok”. Then do the following:
Only an administrator and a user with public access can remove the entry of a passphrase. If the record is of a different type or the PC is part of a domain, the check box will not be available.

Cancel password entry when resuming from sleep mode

Restrictions on entering the OS will also be triggered when the PC or laptop exits sleep mode. The recording key must be specified when waking up the equipment each time, which is not entirely convenient. When you want to leave limited access to enter the OS when you turn on the equipment, but remove it during operation, proceed as follows: If entering a code word is still necessary, you can configure the sleep mode itself. Standard settings are 5 minutes when there are no operations in the system. This period can easily be increased to tens of minutes and even several hours. Then you will have to enter the password less often. You can set up sleep mode by right-clicking on a free area of ​​the screen, then selecting “Display options”. Here go to “Power and sleep mode”. Select the required time.

Using the Registry - For Advanced Users

If the previous methods failed to achieve the desired result, then to remove the password when logging into Windows 10, all that remains is to use the Registry Editor. Press the keys simultaneously on the keyboard WIN+R. In line " Open» register "regedit" Further:

Important! It is not recommended for novice users to make changes to any registry blocks. Errors can cause the system to crash.

Disabling the request through the "Power Options" section on awakening

In the Control Panel menu there is a “Power Options” item. You need to enter it, select in the marked scheme “ Settings …" In the new window, follow the link for additional settings. Here in the central block of the window, expand the item “ Balanced" and in the section " Require password..." choose " No" To restart a computer.

Account settings

If the password is not forgotten or lost, you can simply cancel it. Login to the user's OS is controlled by recording settings. By changing them, it is easy to remove the password. You need to do the following:

This is the easiest and safest way for beginners to remove the password previously assigned to log in to the system. But the method will work if the code word used in the recording is not forgotten by the user. In this case, you will have to resort to one of the methods described above. Users who have not previously changed system settings should not use password removal through the registry. He's not safe. You should resort to the control panel and registry only in cases where the standard method is not suitable. When making changes to the system settings, you need to double-check the recorded data. This will save you from mistakes.

To remove or reset your password when logging in, you will have to arm yourself with certain knowledge. This article will discuss the solution to this frequently occurring problem using the latest versions of the operating system as an example.

Removing a password in Windows 7

Read also: How to set a password for a Windows folder? | 7 Best Encryption Methods and Programs | 2019

First of all, let's decide how to remove the password when logging in to Windows 7.

Each time you log in, a password entry window appears., where you need to enter a previously invented combination of letters and numbers.

But if you enter it, and the system writes that the password is incorrect, this means only one thing - your memory could not store this important amount of information.

However, to recover the password in the “seven” you need, at a minimum, a flash drive with special data for resetting the password. What to do if you simply don’t have such a flash drive?

For these purposes, you will have to use the boot disk from which you installed the operating system on your personal computer.

Entering the computer BIOS

Read also: How to enter BIOS? All possible login methods on a PC and laptop running Windows

The next step is to reboot the computer in order to be able to enter its (Basic Input/Output System), which is nothing more than a basic input and output system.

In order to enter this very BIOS, you need to press a certain key combination in the first seconds of starting the operating system.

In most cases, this combination is the key combination Del and F2.

If you do everything correctly, a blue BIOS window will open in front of you.

Remember that you cannot navigate through the tabs available in the BIOS using a computer. In this case, you will have to use the keyboard arrow buttons.

Use the arrow key to navigate to the Boot tab, which contains a list of all boot devices available on your computer.

It is worth noting that in some BIOS versions the Boot tab may be called Boot Sequence.

By going to the Boot menu window, you will see a list of available devices from which you will need to select a CD-Rom Drive.

In this case, you will indicate to the system that the CD-rom is a priority during startup and that it will be performed from the disk.

After this, press the F10 button, after which the changes made will be saved, exit the BIOS and reboot the computer.

During the reboot process, the installation disk will launch, during which the Windows 7 installer window will open.

From the list presented, select the item with system recovery and wait until the search for Windows systems installed on the computer is completed.

On the page of the found operating system, select the lowest item - “ Command line", after which the Administrator window will open.

In it you need to specify the path to the registry editor:

  • C:\Windows>regedit
  • C:\Windows

After the Registry Editor window opens, select the item from the list on the left side of the window « HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE» .

After that, at the top of the window, click on the menu “ File" and indicate in the drop-down list - " Load bush».

This way you will create a new section, during which you will be required to enter its name - this is not so important, so enter whatever you like (for example - 000) and click to confirm on the " OK».

After the section with the name you specified is created, it will appear in the list HKEY_LOKAL_MACHINE in the form of a familiar folder.

By clicking on this folder, you will expand its contents, in which you will need to select the item Setup.

When you select this item, a list of files will be displayed on the right side of the Registry Editor window, among which will be CmdLine.

Right-click on it and select “ Change" Then - in the window that opens, change the string parameter in the line " Meaning"Register cmd.exe and confirm it using the button " OK».

After this, you also need to change the value of the SetupType parameter in the same way as CmdLine, but with only one difference - in the “ Values» enter a number 2 and press " OK».

After making changes, go back to the menu " File" and select the item " Unload bush».

In the window that opens to confirm the unloading of the bush, click on the button “ Yes" and close all windows on the screen - giving the command to restart the computer.

When the operating system starts loading, a cmd.exe administrator window will appear, in which you must enter a new user name and.

The line will look like this:

C:\Windows|system32>net user Admin pass

If you did everything correctly, a message will appear under this line stating that the command was completed successfully.

After this, in the next line you need to give a command to exit.

This is what the procedure will look like:

C:\Windows|system32> exit

After this, you can close the administrator window, and enter its new value in the password input field when logging into Windows 7.

Resetting your password in Windows 8

Read also: [Instructions] What to do if a folder on a Windows computer is not deleted? | 3 Solution options

After you install the Windows 8 operating system on your computer, you will be faced with an annoying requirement to enter a password every time you log in.

Not everyone likes constantly entering their password, which is why quite often a very reasonable question arises - how to remove the Windows 8 password when logging in, because it is much more pleasant to log into the system without any delay.

For these purposes, you will need to perform a number of specific actions:

First you need to start your computer and log in with your account.

After this, move the mouse cursor to the far right of the screen so that the standard sidebar appears.

On it you will need to select the search icon, which is located at the very top of the panel.

In the search window that opens, enter the search phrase “ Computer settings", during which two menus are immediately displayed - " Computer settings" And " Control Panel».

Your task will be to go to the settings item, after which you will go to the Windows 8 window of the same name.

On the left side of this window - under the inscription of computer parameters - there is a list of all available parameters, among which is the one you need - “ Accounts».

Going to the accounts window, you will need to select the line - “ Login Options».

All existing parameters will be displayed on the right side of the window - namely:

  • Login required;
  • password;
  • pin;
  • graphic password.

To completely remove the password requirement, you will need to click on the " Change", located under the item " Password».

When you click this button, an informational pop-up window will appear warning you that the setting you change affects all accounts on your computer.

If you are not at all concerned that anyone can log into your computer due to the lack of a password, feel free to press the button "Change".

By following this procedure, you will save yourself from having to enter a password every time you log into the system.

Reset a lost password in Windows 8

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The following option allows you to reset a forgotten or lost password in Windows 8.

Let's imagine that you forgot your password and can't log into the system. Then you need to go to the menu " Start" and go to selecting an action, the list of which contains functions " Continue», « Diagnostics" And " Turning off the computer».

In this case, you will need to select the “ Diagnostics».

In the diagnostic window that opens, you will see three new items:

  • restore - when selected, all your files will remain intact;
  • return to its original state - this item implies deleting your files;
  • Extra options.

To reset your password, you need to refer to the “ Return to original state", during which all your personal files and applications will be deleted.

This procedure will return all computer settings to their default values.

After update 1809, a very interesting thing appeared in the top ten. When you set a password during Windows installation, you are asked three security questions. They are needed so that if an unusual situation arises, you can reset the password.

We just have to remember the answers to these questions, since the first method is based precisely on them. In principle, if you know the answers well, then there will be no problems with resetting.

Here's what you need to do:

We start the computer and wait for the screen to load to enter the password. When it appears, you need to click on the link "Reset the password"(or "I forgot my password" in the English edition of the OS).

This will take you to your desktop and your password will be reset. This is the simplest and most reliable way. But it also happens that the user does not remember the answer to the questions. What to do in this case? There is a way out in this situation too.

Command line and bootable USB flash drive

Read also: [Instructions] Installing Windows 10 from a flash drive: description of the process from creating a boot image to completing the OS installation

This method is quite complicated. And it will require a bootable USB flash drive with the Windows 10 distribution. Only then will our efforts be crowned with success. If you suddenly don’t have a flash drive at hand, then a disk with a distribution kit will do.

The main thing here is not to confuse anything. Working with the console requires concentration and some free time. Be that as it may, if you follow everything according to the instructions, then nothing bad will happen.

And here are the instructions:

We insert the flash drive into the port and boot from it. When selecting a language and region, press on the keyboard "Shift+F10". This command will boot the console. Then enter the commands in the console "diskpart" (1) And "list volume" (2). After each of them click "Enter". In the list of disks, you need to remember the one on which Windows is installed. In our case it is "C" (3). After that we type the command "exit" (4) and click "Enter" on keyboard.

Now enter the commands sequentially "move c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman2.exe" (1) And “copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe” (2). Don't forget to click after each "Enter". Please note that your command may have a completely different drive letter. Be extremely careful with this.

After this, all that remains is to reboot the machine and boot from the system disk.

Your account login password will be reset. It is worth noting that this method only works for local accounts. It won't work with Microsoft accounts.
