How to see statistics on Instagram. Just look how easy it is to create statistics on Instagram via Facebook

A social network like Instagram is a very profitable means for running your business on the Internet. To effectively promote it on Instagram, you need to know the strengths and weaknesses of your page. For this, it is very important to see the number of visitors, as well as their activity. This means that it is very important to know how to view statistics on Instagram.

on Instagram

Statistical information in the described service is the dynamics of user subscriptions and unsubscribes, the increase in the number of likes and comments. The question immediately arises: where to look at statistics on Instagram? " ? There are several ways to view it:

  • business account via Facebook;
  • special applications (Iconosquare, Statigram).

They will help you get a lot of necessary and useful information about your profile.

View statistics using Facebook

Let's figure out how to view statistics on Instagram using Facebook:

  • First of all, here you will need to create your page. To do this, you need to go to the menu on Facebook, then select “Pages”, and then “Create a page”.
  • Give the page a name and select the desired category, and then click on “Start”.
  • Now you need to indicate your website and fill out the “About Page” column.
  • Click on the “Save information” button.
  • The address and photo do not have to be filled out right away. Click the "Create Address" button and the page is created.
  • After this, you should go to Instagram and check if everything works.
  • The next step is linking the page. When logging in, you need to select it on “Instagram” and indicate your email address. After this, the page takes on the appearance of a business account with statistics available at any time, which are activated using a special button.

This button is located at the top right corner and looks like a graph. By clicking on it, you can see statistical information that indicates demographics, impressions, activity, reach, age of users, their location, time of viewing photos and much more.

Statistics using the Iconosquare website

How to view statistics on Instagram using Iconosquare? You can also find out interesting and relevant statistical information using the convenient Iconosquare website. It demonstrates:

  • graphs of activity of your page and subscribers’ pages;
  • some of the most popular publications that received more likes and comments;
  • those users who subscribed and unsubscribed from the page;
  • how many publications appeared in the “Popular” section;
  • which subscribers give the most likes and comment on photos most often.

By learning which photos are the most popular, as well as at what time they were posted and with what tags they were signed most often, you can improve and make your publications even better.

How to view page statistics on Instagram using Statigram

The Statigram service will also help solve the described problem. How to view statistics on Instagram using the Statigram application? To do this, through this service you should go to the website and click on the button located in the upper right corner - Sign in with Instagram. After this, you should enter your data, or rather, the login and password used on Instagram, and access is open.

Statistics of active subscribers in Statigram

The stats mentioned include the top five most active followers, as well as the five people the user follows and views regularly. In addition, the statistics display those who did not subscribe to the page, but liked and commented on the photos. The statistics also show tags that were used in publications.

Photo statistics in Statigram

How to view photo statistics on Instagram using Statigram? The statistics show the five most popular photos, which are determined by the number of likes given. It also displays five photos with a large number of comments on them, as well as five filters that are most often used. In addition, in the statistics you can see the ratio of processed and unprocessed images as a percentage that were not uploaded to Instagram.

Statigram also displays the number of subscribers, photos, comments and likes. Here you can find any statistical information on tags and users.

FollowMe app

Having learned how to view photo statistics on Instagram using this application, you can find out who is interested and viewing the profile, and who has long abandoned this matter. In addition, the service is able to add new subscribers to the page. But to do this, you need to have virtual coins, which you will have to buy with real money, or receive for completing certain tasks. If the question arises about how to view statistics on Instagram from your phone, then the FollowMe application is perfect for this.

In FollowMe you can see statistics and those subscribers who have never liked or commented on photos. In order to delete all such subscribers at once, there is a special button in the application. Statistics are also kept of friends who constantly like and comment on photos. The exact number of comments and likes is displayed for each person. Separate statistics show those users who like but never comment on posts. In addition, there is a section that shows those people who have unsubscribed but continue to like photos.

Using this application, you can also find out which of your publications are the most popular over the last week, month, and the entire existence of this account. There's also a section with popular tags, a list of people nearby, and random profiles that might be of interest.

The application contains graphs showing subscriber activity hourly. Those people who suddenly unsubscribed are also tracked. The FollowMe application has many useful features that will not be superfluous if Instagram is used as a working tool.

Good afternoon friends.

Today we continue to explore the opportunities that our favorite social network gives us and talk about how to view statistics on Instagram.

Having started its journey with a simple photo network, the application, thanks to constant improvements and updates, has long outgrown this role. At the moment, many people come to this social network to communicate, receive news, study useful materials and earn money.

Users who regularly publish posts on their profile and have managed to acquire a decent number of followers are beginning to be interested in questions: how many new subscribers have I acquired and how many have unsubscribed, how many likes have the posts received and which of them have generated the most active discussions in the comments. This is especially important for entrepreneurs promoting on Instagram.

When you register on Instagram, a personal account type is created by default. It contains a minimum of information for analysis:

  • total number of subscribers and subscriptions;
  • time spent in the application;
  • You can enable push notifications and regularly receive messages on your phone screen about new likes, comments and followers.

That's all, actually. To get more data and enable statistics on your page, you need to upgrade it to a business account. This is done in 5 minutes and absolutely free. After this, the “Statistics” item appears in the menu.

Information will begin to be collected from the moment you switch to your business profile. The maximum amount of useful information can be obtained if you have more than 100 subscribers and you have linked Instagram to a public Facebook page.

The second way to obtain data about user activity in your profile is to use third-party services and programs. In this case, you do not need to customize your page or perform any actions with it, but you will have to master working with new software products. Let's look at these options in more detail.

Business account statistics

How to switch to a business account

Go to your profile and click on the 3 bars at the top of the page. Then go to “Settings”.

Find and tap on “Account”. At the very bottom of the new window there is a line “Switch to a business account.” This is what we need.

Read the information and click the “Continue” button until you reach the category selection. Decide which option suits you best and move on.

Then confirm or change your contact information and link Instagram to your public Facebook page. You don’t have to do this right away; you can click on the inscription at the bottom of the screen for now.

You can also access statistics without a link. But if you want, then only through Facebook will you be able to launch full-fledged advertising campaigns and track the results.

After all these steps, you can go to your profile and customize it as you wish: add buttons, information about yourself or your company.

How to view statistics for the page as a whole and for individual publications

After that, return to your profile, click on the 3 bars at the top of the screen and select the appropriate item from the menu.

The window that opens has 3 tabs: “Actions”, “Content”, “Audience”.

By switching between them, you can get the following information:

  • how many views your posts have had in the last week;
  • reach – means the number of unique visitors who saw your posts;
  • number of posts, stories published and promotions carried out;
  • the total number of subscribers, their location by city and country, gender and time of greatest activity on the social network. This information is only available after you attract more than 100 subscribers.

Since the collection of information begins from the moment you connect your business account, you will not see any data at first. The first information will most likely appear in 3 to 5 days. After this, you can begin to study your audience and their response to publications.

Also, the ability to view statistics will appear for each entry on the page.

In the top line we see the number of likes, comments, reposts and bookmarks. “Visits” shows how many times your page was visited from this post. “Reach” tells you how many users viewed the publication.

On average, this figure should be from 30 to 60% of the number of subscribers. If it’s less, it may indicate that there are a lot of inactive audiences or bots among the followers; if it’s more, it means that the post caused a strong reaction from the audience. Pay closer attention to it and try to take more such photos and videos.

By clicking on the field with icons and numbers or swiping up from the bottom of the screen, you can see a more detailed report.

Third party services

Using the function of collecting information on an Instagram page is convenient, but this method also has its disadvantages:

  • you need to switch to a business profile;
  • little dynamic data for analysis and promotion;
  • You can receive information only about your page, but to work you also need to study the indicators of your competitors.

To obtain advanced functionality for collecting and analyzing information, there are special services that operate online. Here are some of them:

  1. LiveDune is an online resource in Russian with extensive capabilities. It allows you to collect statistics on your own and other people’s accounts, search for bloggers using specified parameters to promote a page, create and save reports for a certain period, track and view comments. To get started, you need to complete a quick registration by entering your name, email and password.
  2. Popsters is a Russian-language site that allows you to obtain and analyze data on your account and compare it with the performance of competitors. With its help, you can find out at what time the most successful posts are published, the number of likes for a certain period, and the degree of audience activity. To get started, you need to log in using your Instagram credentials.
  3. Iconosquare is an English-language service for collecting information about your account. It allows you to see the dynamics of subscriptions and unsubscribes, find out who likes posts most often, which photos and videos get the most comments, and at what time subscribers are active. You can also get statistics on Stories here. To get started, you need to register on the site, and then log in to Instagram through it.

These resources work on a computer or phone in a mobile browser. You can also install a special application for collecting information on a mobile device based on Android or iOS, for example “Analytics for Instagram” or “Follower Analyzer”.

What affects page statistics

If you are interested in the impression your publications and profile make in general, and want to promote it and get more subscribers, then you need to not just look at the numbers, but know how to improve them. To begin, collect data for at least 3 to 6 months, identify factors that may influence them and not depend on you: vacation time, seasonal fluctuations in interest in the topic, holidays. Then start improving your performance.

We have an article on Instagram about promotion on Instagram, use the tips from it. I also recommend paying close attention to the rules for ranking posts in the Instagram feed. They say that those posts that received the most likes and comments in the first minutes and hours after publication will be at the top. Therefore, you need to monitor the quality of the content and the best time to post a new post. These are the hours when your audience is most active in the app and scrolling through the feed.

How else can you improve your performance:

  • ask questions and respond to comments;
  • conduct sweepstakes, marathons and flash mobs;
  • create Stories and film live broadcasts for your subscribers;
  • Tag your friends in the photo so that posts appear on their pages.

Analyze the results of specific actions, studying statistics over time, and make informed decisions about which direction to move next.


We have discussed 2 main ways to view and analyze statistics on Instagram. If you seriously decide to promote yourself or your company on this social network, you can safely switch to a business account. It will open up many opportunities for contacting subscribers and promoting the page.

To analyze your performance and the actions of competitors, it is convenient to use special services and programs. They all have a free trial period during which you can evaluate their work, check the accuracy of the information and decide which software product suits you best.

Please write in the comments if you have any questions. Or maybe you have valuable information on the topic - we will be very happy to exchange experience. Share this article with your friends if you find it useful..

See you again, friends.

Not everyone knows how to view statistics on Instagram. Even fewer people can say what it is and why it is needed. That is why at the very beginning it is worth deciding, first of all, who benefits from monitoring statistical data.

So, if you are an ordinary user of a social network, you are probably interested in how many people have visited your page, how often they comment and like you, and sometimes other less popular questions arise. Full information about activity in the profile is also very important for businessmen who decide to promote their goods and services using social networks, and for bloggers whose activities are also aimed at a mass audience. After all, for this category of users, work is based on statistical data, and making a profit directly depends on the activity of subscribers.

As you can see, learning statistics on Instagram is interesting and important for everyone. However, everyone uses the collected data for their own purposes.

How to start a process and view information

Want to know how often people are following you on Instagram? In this case, let's look at the statistics of your page together. And to carry out the desired action, we will need to connect a business account. It is he who opens up all new opportunities completely free of charge and for every user of the social network.

Go to your profile settings and find the “switch to company profile” option in the drop-down menu. You can perform the action from any phone, and best of all with the Android system, as well as from computers and other mobile devices using programs.

By selecting this item, you will automatically be redirected to the binding page. On it, after filling out the fields with your email address and Facebook account information, you will go to your business account.

As you can see, it is very simple to perform the required action. It will only take you a couple of minutes. And if the necessary data for the transition is not available, then Instagram will prompt you to create a page or email right during the linking process. Where can I find the connected option now? At the top of your Instagram account you should have a “statistics” button.

Upgrade your brain and learn the grammar of numbers

To put it simply, not everyone knows how to read statistics on Instagram. And we can give you the answers and explain the principle of their operation. First of all, we note that statistics are based on comparing indicators for the last week with data from the previous one. And they can be viewed from any mobile device directly or through the installation of additional programs.

Now let's move on to the explanation. The basic statistics indicators on Instagram are the following parameters:

  • Impressions. They provide information about views of posts in general for the week and comparison with previous indicators. For a better understanding, we note that their number increases if you increase the number of materials you post or use advertising for your page.

  • Coverage. It provides information about the number of people who saw the posts posted. Data is also collected for the current week and compared with the previous week. Here, most users will probably find a lot of similarities with the first indicator. And they will be wrong. The main difference is the fact that reach counts each account only once, regardless of the number of logins and views from it. Although these indicators are often confused with each other, the difference in the digital relationships between them is very noticeable.

The two parameters described are present both in the characteristics of the entire profile as a whole, and in individual posts or items. Their purpose is the same everywhere, and the main difference is the area of ​​subscribers and users in question.

If you're looking at overall Instagram stats now, you'll notice other metrics like "profile views" and "website link clicks." However, do they really need clarification? Perhaps their name speaks for itself.

But the characteristics of one of the indicators for evaluating publications—engagement—are worth considering in more detail. It is necessary to a greater extent for those who are bloggers or support businesses on Instagram. This indicator provides information about the activity of liking and writing comments on posts. The formula for calculating the indicator is quite simple and understandable. For each published video, photograph, story or other type of material, regardless of the format, it takes the following form: engagement = likes + saves made + comments written. The average normal engagement rate is 10% of reach. Accordingly, changes in any direction indicate the effectiveness of your activities.

These are, perhaps, the main indicators that are necessary for every user who shows an interest in statistical data and require detailed explanations.

Upon closer examination, you will also notice several different parameters for each case. For example, you will see who saved photos from your page, how many visits were made, the number of users who viewed your page or shared photos. However, their meaning is easy to determine based on the name.

Did something go wrong or what is the cause of possible problems?

Yes, errors and shortcomings arise in the operation of every service or social network as a whole. However, it's not always about the developers and their mistakes. Often, users themselves misunderstand the meaning of certain items or cannot find the action they need. As for interacting with statistics on Instagram, it can also cause some difficulties. We suggest considering the most common of them, as well as choosing ways to solve problems.

And the first misunderstanding on our list is the lack of data for already made publications. Typically, this happens when you have just switched to a business account and opened statistics for the first time. The system begins to collect information and sort it only after moving from the usual basic profile. Therefore, it will take time to accumulate the necessary indicators and calculate correctly. The solution in this case is to wait. So be patient, dear readers.

Under number two, we present to you the cessation of statistical collection of information. Since linking your Facebook account plays an important role in working with infographics, disabling it or closing it completely will stop the data sorting. Therefore, before looking for errors or writing to support, make sure that all your accounts are accessible to each other.

There are also often problems with displaying data. The indicators do not meet the wishes of users and are perceived by them as an error. In this case, it is worth adequately assessing the popularity of your page, the number of likes and comments written. Or you used third-party promotion services that you decided to download and install for promotion. In this case, some of the likes from poor quality services may be blocked by the system and not included in the statistics.

If you use your Instagram account as a business platform, then you should regularly “monitor” the page’s performance. The developers initially took this point into account; the social network has a plug-in tool. After studying this article, readers will learn how to view statistics on Instagram via Facebook. Modern social networks are an ideal place for distributing advertising; promotion specialists know about this and offer owners of popular pages profitable cooperation. To start earning money, you must first complete a profitable profile promotion program. Statistics will help determine which direction you are moving.

Today Insta is owned by Facebook, these social networks are interconnected. To enable the function you need to perform a few simple steps. Users also work with third-party services that have advanced functionality.

After studying the material, you will be able to decide on the monitoring method. The first option involves working with the official Instagram mobile client. In the second case, the indicators can be studied through any convenient browser.

The service is distributed free of charge, it is available for “special” accounts that have the status of a blogger, public person or company. If desired, any user can access the data. To do this, you need to have a Facebook profile and a created community. There are no requirements for a group, the main thing is that you administer it. The service allows you to obtain an optimal marketing strategy and provide access to important information. Statistics are the main tool for any SMM manager.

Let's move on to practice:

An additional button with a corresponding icon will appear under each of your posts published in the feed. By tapping on it, you will see the number of views, audience and other useful information. The main page contains general statistics - the main monitoring tool.

Click on it to open a window with useful information. Here you can find out which audience prefers to view and rate your publications. The graphs show at what time the peak of follower activity occurs. Using this information, you can determine whether you have chosen the right promotion method. To understand how to view statistics on Instagram on Facebook, you do not need to have the skills of a webmaster. The data is presented easily and consists of several columns. In this way, you can only get information about your page; if you want to monitor other users, use third-party services.

How to view statistics on Instagram via Facebook

Readers received a detailed answer; from third-party resources, the following should be highlighted:

If you work with another service, write briefly about it in the comments: its advantages and features, distribution method, etc. If the material was useful, share it with your friends and subscribers.

The Instagram app offers many features beyond simply posting beautiful photos and videos. It provides new opportunities for both those who want to work and ordinary users who want to learn something new. Anyone can improve their profile and start making money. Despite the simplicity of the social network, Instagram is not always simple and clear. Therefore, we will look at the question of using the functions of business accounts, how to connect statistics on Instagram.

What are statistics on Instagram and who needs them?

Why do we need statistics? Of course, you can work and earn money without statistics, but how can a person improve his approach and double his income without analyzing everything he does? Whatever your activity, it is always important to analyze your work in order to know what needs to be changed and improved. Without this, your work will not be effective, at least if you want to get any positive results at all. In addition, using statistics, you can monitor competitors’ data, and this will allow you to compare works.

It has enough advantages to make you want to connect it. In general, on Instagram you can use it to track comments, likes, views and much more. Based on the data, you can calculate the indicators and find out the growth rate. When purchasing advertising, for example, it will be very useful to compare results in this way. Well, or it’s convenient if you want to find out what kind of posts users liked the most and take the next steps in this direction.

How to set up statistics on Instagram?

To view statistics, first of all, you need to switch to a business account. This can be done using the following algorithm:

Ready! After these steps, you have officially purchased a working account! This means you have access to those very desired statistics.

You will immediately see the “Statistics” button, through which you can monitor your data. Namely:

  • You will be able to monitor how viewed your posts were over the course of a week, for example.
  • Monitor changes in your signature, who they are, where they come from and what they are.

  • How high was the coverage? That is, how many people visited your profile.
  • How many clicks were made on the links specified in the profile.
  • The same thing happens with comments, likes and saving your post.

All this will allow you to analyze your work, identify weaknesses and improve your approach.

What to do if statistics don't work?

If you did everything according to the instructions, but the statistics still did not work, then you need to do the following:

  • Well, first of all, check if you were able to include everything you needed. Check all instructions again.
  • The data will not appear immediately after your account becomes active. This will take time, and there will be no indicators for previous posts.
  • And, of course, you need to realistically evaluate your popularity. That is, if the account is not so popular, then there will simply be nothing to update;
  • If all of the above points do not apply to you, try reloading your profile, that is, log out of it and log back in. This may have been a temporary issue.